Contrary to many information websites, this site is not inundated with advertisements.
This website is the result of about three years of personal research. I volunteered a lot of time to put all I found in readable form, and in the process had to learn to master the computer. I believe this effort has resulted in a unique overview which is still expanding.
There isn't any profit motive involved in putting up this information. This means that all the costs are carried by me and my husband. I'm neither a rich nor a bored housewife I'm simply a struggling artist, who tries to help other people with what I discovered.
If you feel helped by this information, I welcome any size of donation. Even if you can only mis a few dollars, it will be helpful in enabling me to keep the website going to inform other patients.
With your donation you will help me to help fellow, or rather 'sister' patients. Still too many women loose their womb, and are exposed to major surgery, unnecessarily...
Your donation will help other fibroid patients all over the planet.
Thank you so much !
Irma Roskam
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