The reason for starting up this website is to fill in the information-gap that I encountered around womans health.
An effort has been made to balance a broad spectrum of information including some less public data. It is a compilation of a diversity of scientific data as well as personal experiences of patients.
I write candidly about the many aspects of healing fibroids. Mirroring my own experience, questionnaires among patients have revealed that, sadly enough, evasive answers are sometimes given by some gynaecologists when women seek information around alternatives for Hysterectomy which has been the standard treatment for symptomatic fibroids.
There is another important treatment option, that is often not made available to patients, called Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE). Like Myomectomy, it leaves the uterus in place, and may also preserve the ability to have children. Embolisation is 90 percent effective in alleviating the symptoms from fibroids, and is much less invasive than surgery. This procedure is performed, not by Gynaecologists, but by Interventional Radiologists doctors who specialise in targeted, image-guided treatments that generally replace surgery. These procedures are an advance in medicine; they are easier for patients because they involve no large incisions, less risk, less pain and shorter recovery times.
Perhaps misinformation about alternatives for surgery, as well as the importance of the uterus, happens unwittingly but I believe physicians do have a responsibility to inform themselves, and their patients, adequately. As a patient we’re often not equipped to do this for ourselves, and may suffer needlessly because we have to ‘beat our way around several bushes’ to get where we want to be.
There is a special introduction page for (referring) physicians, and I sincerely hope they too will use this website to obtain a much needed overview about all available treatment options and the latest developments for dealing with this widespread condition of Fibroid Disease. I know from experience that patients are in need of informed medical support.
It is a basic right to have control of your body and make decisions about your health and health-care on the basis of all available information, free from the pressure of following your physicians preferred treatment option.
If I do have a bias, it is towards my commitment to hand women all the information they might be seeking, unimpaired and straightforward.
I would like to ask you a small favour: please take a few minutes to fill in the questionnaire (you can find this in the forum section). I would be very happy with your feedback, it will allow me to improve the book and make it a truly informative and complete work on healing fibroids, on all levels.
I hope all this will be of benefit and may contribute in helping you to make informed decisions about your treatment.